America has abundant natural gas resources to satisfy current and future domestic energy demand. Here are some facts about the cost-saving benefits of natural gas:
Households using natural gas for heating, cooking, and clothes drying save an average of $1,041 per year compared to homes using electricity.
The low cost of natural gas has saved families a total of $140 billion over 10 years.
Commercial and industrial customers have saved over half a trillion dollars over the last decade by using natural gas.
Nearly 21,000 businesses sign up to use natural gas annually.
More than 4.1 million jobs are connected to the natural gas industry.
Natural gas is extremely reliable and can provide energy whenever it is needed.
Pipeline infrastructure is underground, looped, and shielded from weather events, preventing service disruptions.
Natural gas can be stored to be available exactly when it is needed.
Even during peak usages, such as during Winter Storm Uri in February 2021, natural gas was safely and reliably delivered to customers with very few service interruptions.
Unplanned outages affect only about 1 in 800 natural gas customers per year, while electric distribution systems have an average of one outage per year per customer.
The natural gas delivery system is 91% efficient from production to customer.

Safety is top priority of natural gas companies, and it is among the safest energy options.
Natural gas delivered through 2.6-million-mile underground pipeline system.
America's natural gas utilities invest $91 million every day on enhancing the safety of natural gas distribution and transmission systems.
Emissions from the natural gas distribution system have declined 69% since 1990.
As little as 0.1% of the natural gas delivered nationwide is emitted from local distribution systems.
Miles of natural gas mains made of more modern materials has more than tripled since 1990.
Carbon dioxide emissions from residences using natural gas for space heating, water heating, cooking, and clothes drying are about 22% lower than those attributable to an all-electric home.